
Upcoming Events

  • Applied Islamic Psychology Training

    This Continuing Professional Development (CPD) training course offers practitioners an in-depth introductory exploration of Islamic psychology in practice.

  • Healing Circles

    Has your local community recently suffered a trauma? Has your masjid community been impacted by Islamophobia? Submit a request for a healing circle with staff from Alanur.

  • Stay tuned for Fall Events!

    Fall events coming soon. Join our monthly newsletter to stay up to date.

Past Events

  • Islamic Psychology

    This gathering will engage together in an emergent, self-reflective, and group-reflective process of sharing and interactive learning. The day will be a mix of short talks, individual reflective journaling, small and large group discussion, experiential activities, and question & answer sessions with Sheikha Maryam and Dr. Abdallah.

  • Healers Circle

    Our healers circle is a local Philadelphia group of counselors and chaplains meeting to discuss readings and topics related to integrating the Muslim faith tradition with our practices as counselors.

  • Retreat

    Join us for a city retreat of community service and self reflection